Another very busy Mother's Day has come and gone and we would like to thank all our customers for their loyalty , support and return business. It is always crazy few days, however this Mother's Day seemed to be spread over the Thursday Friday Saturday and the Sunday, which meant we where all in bed by 10pm Saturday night, unheard of. On a serious note BIG thank you to you all and we hope all your loved ones enjoyed their flowers.
Whats new, well I am always adding new Pots and Candles at the moment there seems to be a lot of interest, I am also keen to find out on what business is going to move in next door, I hope it is a little cafe. ( More coffee, I love it )
Workshops have been getting a lot of attention so if you are keen please let me know.. they are great fun and a good night out.
As always busy with weddings now and look forward to a dry Winter.... and lots of sunshine.
Have a blooming good day..
