Our Sunshine bouquet is a combination of sunflowers, green chrysanthemums, green button chrysanthemums, yellow gerberas, eucalyptus, and raphis palms with mixed foliage beautifully presented Adore Style.
*Images are an indication only. Flowers are subject to availability and may change. Vases will alter depending on availability. Please contact the store directly if you have any specific requests.
In addition, allergen may be present in any of the additional chocolate and champagne options, please check labels before consumption.
To ensure you get the longest life out of your flowers, please re-cut all stems on an angle and place in a vase of fresh cool water with added flower food after a couple of days. Continue to do this every 2 or 3 days.
It is also advised to keep your flowers out of direct sunlight and as they prefer cool temperatures. Feel free to call for more advice.